IMG_7791 (2)

Publiczne Przedszkole w Gnojniku

Publiczne Przedszkole w Gnojniku
32-864 Gnojnik 311
NIP 869-17-32-789

tel: 146869740

Vocabulary – słownictwo


  • Picnic – piknik
  • Basket – koszyk
  • To eat – jeść
  • Salad – sałatka
  • Chicken – kurczak
  • Cheese – ser
  • Sandwich – kanapka
  • Cookies – ciasteczka
  • Ice tea – herbata mrożona
  • Cake – babeczka
  • Banana – banan
  • Apple – jabłko
  • Carrot – marchewka
  • Do you like…? – czy lubisz
  • Yes, I do/ No I don’t – tak, nie
  • Sea animals – zwierzęta morskie
  • Jellyfish – meduza
  • Seahorse – konik morski
  • Shark – rekin
  • Starfish – rozgwiezda
  • Whale – wieloryb
  • Octopus – ośmiornica
  • Fish – ryba
  • Crab – krab
  • Dolphin – delfin

SONG – The Jellyfish song

Arms up.

Wrists together.

The jellyfish, the jellyfish, the jellyfish, the jellyfish.

Arms up. Wrists together. Elbows together.

The jellyfish, the jellyfish, the jellyfish, the jellyfish.

Arms up. Wrists together. Elbows together. Knees together.

The jellyfish, the jellyfish, the jellyfish, the jellyfish.

Arms up. Wrists together. Elbows together. Knees together. Feet together.

The jellyfish, the jellyfish, the jellyfish, the jellyfish.

Arms up. Wrists together. Elbows together. Knees together. Feet together. Head back.

The jellyfish, the jellyfish, the jellyfish, the jellyfish.



A Sailor Went To Sea | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs - YouTube

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